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A community tap can help provide children like Caralis Martínez Picado with a permanent, reliable source of clean water.
As well as preventing sickness, it can save hours of back-breaking work fetching water from sources miles away.
A gift such as this can transform a whole community. The Community Movement of Matagalpa in Nicaragua has made a huge difference to many people’s lives already: it could transform many more.
With a clean water supply, crops can be watered and new varieties grown; animals can grow stronger and healthier; and small businesses can spring into life. Using a gift like a community tap, a community can enjoy better health, improved farms and a brighter future.
To help make a difference, find out more about this work and give a charity gift, visit the Present Aid website. It’s run by Christian Aid, which works around the globe through local organisations to deliver direct, practical benefits and campaigns to challenge the causes of poverty.
It’s really easy too – visit Present Aid by clicking here to find out more.