
Save energy with an Eco Kettle. Until now, accurately measuring the amount of water to be boiled in your kettle has been all but impossible. The result? It is estimated that, on average, we boil twice the volume of water needed every time. Which means twice as much energy, twice as much time. With a 3kW kettle that’s the same as wasting the energy of around 50 light bulbs!

The Eco Kettle is different: its internal reservoir holds a full capacity of water ready for use, while the measuring button allows any quantity‚ from a single cupful to full capacity‚ to be released into the separate chamber for boiling. The result? Exactly the right amount of water every time you boil‚ and no more waste.

The Eco Kettle has been approved by the Good Housekeeping Institute and is recommended by Powergen as a pioneering product in the battle to save energy in the nation’s homes. During independent consumer trials directed by the Energy Saving Trust, the Eco Kettle used over 30% less energy than standard kettles.

Find out more here and where to get an eco kettle