Click here to vist the Oxfam Unwrapped Gift Collection

This isn’t a gift to be sniffed at!

Soil degradation can have devastating effects, and the rising trend in fertilizer prices in international markets has had a significant impact on developing countries.

The supply of fertilizer in many developing countries is as important as the supply of food itself. A staggering 40% of the world’s population depend indirectly on fertilizer for their daily bread.

Fertilizer nitrogen provides almost all the basic protein requirements in poorer countries and you can help to boost the productivity of poor soils with fertiliser, based on a lovely combination of animal manure, organic matter and worm farms – sure to get crops off to a good start!

You can send fertiliser through Oxfam – and you can do it as a gift on someone else’s behalf via the Oxfam Unwrapped charity gifts scheme. It can all be done quickly and easily online – just visit the Oxfam Unwrapped website for more details.

Click here to vist the Oxfam Unwrapped Gift Collection