Varnished wooden floors or painted floorboards can be found in most homes these days. But whilst they may look good, they can cause huge heat loss. But now there is a fantastic, but simple and easy way of eliminating the drafts and filling in the gaps between your floorboards in a matter of minutes.
Gapseal Roll stops the draughts that come through your floorboards without losing the natural look of wooden flooring. Gapseal can help save on energy bills and is an easily fitted (without adhesive) draught excluder which slots into the gaps between floorboards, keeping cold air out, and is invisible.
You just cut out a length from the roll, fold it over and slot it into the gap. It stays there as in naturally expands to the sise of the floorboard gap.
It is a great alternative to putty type fillers or PVA glue/sawdust mix and will not fall out when floorboards expand and contract. It is also much quicker to fit. It can help save money on your heating bill, and can also keep smells, noise and insects from entering your rooms through floorboard gaps. Suitable for floorboard gaps up to 9mm wide.
Find out where to get gapseal and fill the gaps between your floorboards quickly and easily