Click here to vist the Oxfam Unwrapped Gift Collection

This gift will help poor communities work together to fish their way out of poverty – providing nets, boats, equipment and training.

Abject poverty and poor conditions are making it in increasingly difficult for pastoralists and fishermen and women to escape from, and prepare for, re-occurring droughts. In November 2005 northern Kenya witnessed one of the worst droughts since 1992 – thousands of animals died, and countless pastoralists lost their livelihoods.

Oxfam responded to provide immediate assistance to the most vulnerable communities. In addition to distributing relief food, providing water and sanitation, and running an emergency slaughter programme, it also organised a cash-for-work programme that aimed to restore pastoralists’ food security, and to protect their remaining livelihood assets.

Through the provision of not only cash, but also community projects such as fishing-net making, the programme has enabled people to decide their own priorities while maintaining their dignity.

You can help in this work by giving fishing nets, or helping communities make their own fishing nets through Oxfam. Visit the Oxfam Unwrapped charity gifts scheme. It can all be done quickly and easily online – just visit the Oxfam Unwrapped website for more details.

Click here to vist the Oxfam Unwrapped Gift Collection