Participants in the Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops and those travelling from further afield will have the opportunity to see how life looks from the perspective of the gay people many of them wish to exclude, as a leading theatre performer offers to take them on his spiritual journey.

Peterson Toscano, who is also booked for the Edinburgh Festival and the Greenbelt Christian arts festival this summer, promises good humour and topicality when he takes to the stage at the Keynes Lecture Theatre at the University of Kent on Wednesday 30 and Thursday 31 July 2008, starting at 8pm.

The lively theatrical performance activist will share his own spiritual story and experience, liberally sprinkled with excerpts from a play that tells how he survived the ‘ex-gay’ movement which has been encouraged in some Christian circles – “Doin’ Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House”.

The performances will also include a ‘question and answer’ session.

It is not yet known whether Archbishop Rowan Williams will attend, though he is known to be in sore need of some light relief.

The shows are being organised and supported by the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement – who are arranging transport from London for the Thursday performance, and who will have a major presence in the market place area of the high-profile global conference of Anglican bishops, with a resource stall on following Christ in the area of human rights.

LGCM say that all are welcome to the Peterson Toscano show. Free tickets from LGCM. Free tickets are available from them, with right of admission reserved.

Coach Transport is available to the venue from Oxford House in Bethnal Green, London, on Thursday July only – £10.00 per person, pre-booked.

Further information:


The new book Fear or Freedom? Why a warring church must change, edited by Simon Barrow, is published by Shoving Leopard / Ekklesia. It will also be available on the LGCM stall.