As the death toll from the Burma cyclone continues to rise dramatically, possibly to around 100,000, the Methodist Church and the Methodist Relief and Development Fund (MRDF) in Britain have launched an emergency appeal for funds.

Michael King, World Church Team Leader, says: “The cyclone has created a humanitarian emergency that is unprecedented in Burma’s history. Hundreds of thousands of people are cut off from clean water and shelter, and prices for basic foodstuffs are escalating. We are asking people to offer whatever support they can, both financially and through their prayers.”

The Church sent an immediate solidarity grant of £10,000 to the Methodist Church in Myanmar and has launched a joint appeal with MRDF.

Funds received from this appeal will be channelled through Church World Service, which is working in the most affected areas.

The Christian Conference of Asia has appealed “to member churches and councils, ecumenical partners and friends to remember those affected people in your daily prayers, and extend assistance to help the people affected by this natural calamity.”

The Rev Mar Gay Gyi, the General Secretary for Myanmar Council of Churches will be meeting with the staff in-charge of the Emergency Relief Unit and sharing updated information with the churches.

People are also urged to keep those affected in their prayers. A special prayer has been written for the crisis and can be found online at

To donate via the World Church Office please visit or send a cheque, made payable to the Methodist Church Fund for World Mission, to:

Burma Appeal
Fund for World Mission
Methodist Church House
25 Marylebone Rd
London NW1 5JR

To donate via MRDF, call the MRDF hotline on 020 7224 4814.