by Sean Reilly | Sep 4, 2008
Following a series of horrific attacks in Orissa, Indian church and human rights organisations have been keeping up pressure on the government for decisive action against militants, and they are asking for world attention to the crisis. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 9, 2008
If there’s going to be disagreement, it’s good to figure out where, why and how it arises. But when it comes to religion and public life, there is more frequently unhelpful confusion. Here is Francis Davis, one of the authors of the new church, government...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 6, 2008
Christian members of the Campaign Against Arms Trade, which recently won a crucial court victory in the BAE Systems corruption allegation case, are holding a day of prayer across the country on Sunday 8 June 2008. The initiative will involve local churches and is part...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 3, 2008
Arms companies are facing a week of protests across the UK after a year of increasing public opposition to the arms trade. Stop the Arms Trade Week is underway and runs until 8 June 2008 – involving people of all faiths and none. With events including an Arms...
by Sean Reilly | May 6, 2008
Within Christianity there is a long history of trouble making. This last week three, including Fr Peter Murnane, were at it again. They punctured a balloon covering intelligence-gathering equipment at Waihopai in our South Island. They also punctured the illusion that...