by Sean Reilly | Apr 23, 2008
A new Muslim think-tank, which aims to bring together voices who oppose violence and extremism, and who want to explore Islam in a modern European setting, was launched at the British Museum yesterday. Author Ed Husain, who charted his own journey away from what he...
by Sean Reilly | Apr 21, 2008
Three UK Free Church Christian denominations are urging voters to take a stand against racist and extreme political parties as election day for local councils in England and Wales draws near. 1 May 2008 is election day for many local councils as well as for the Mayor...
by Sean Reilly | Jan 7, 2008
Christian groups and churches in Indian’s eastern state of Orissa are demanding urgent protection, saying they have been hounded by Hindu extremists, with reports of nine people being killed in attacks since Christmas – writes Anto Akkara....
by Sean Reilly | Jan 6, 2008
Islamic extremism has turned some communities into no-go areas for people of a different faith or race, and Britain is disintegrating because it is no longer seen as a Christian nation, claims the Bishop of Rochester in a newspaper article. The Rt Right Rev Dr Michael...