Why Christianity remains a novel idea

OK, so it’s a bit of a cop out to say that Christianity would be great if only it were practiced properly – but I am far from the first to suggest it. G K Chesterton expressed it better when he proposed that Christianity had not been tried and found wanting…...

Catholics draw on example of Gandhi

Young Catholics are being urged to follow the example of Mahatma Gandhi as they gather for National Youth Sunday. A new DVD, produced for National Youth Sunday, in association with Catholic Youth Services (CYS) and Pax Christi explores the themes of non-violence,...

Nonviolence a focus for Religion After 9/11 gathering

The religious basis of peace, non-violence and reconciliation in a plural world was one of the main discussion points at a recent meeting of faith leaders in the light of the fifth year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Centre in New York. A...