Moral practice and non-belief

I always seem to be offending atheists. The other evening, it was because I questioned what someone meant when he described himself as a “practising” atheist. What, I wondered, was being practised, and what sort of practice was it? The person I was talking with...

Against the gods, religious and otherwise

The occasion was the third annual Jeremy Bentham lecture, named after the eighteenth century philosopher who is a hero of secular rationalists. It was given by Tim Crane, a self-confessed atheist and professor of philosophy at University College London – the place...

Newspaper calls for non-religious voices on radio faith slot

The Guardian newspaper has joined a growing list of people calling on the BBC to open its Radio 4 Thought for the Day slot to non-religious as well as religious voices. TFTD is broadcast on the flagship Today programme at 07.50 each day. The liberal newspaper was...