by Sean Reilly | Jun 7, 2008
Congregations of the Church of Scotland (Presbyterian) and the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland, the country’s two largest traditions, are being encouraged to make 8 June a Sunday pledged to peace in Israel and Palestine. Catholic Cardinal Keith O’Brien and the...
by Sean Reilly | May 8, 2008
The notion and shape of ‘the land’ means many things to many people, as the contradictory responses to this 60th anniversary of the founding of the state of Israel are showing. For some it looks like triumph, for others it betokens tragedy. To people who...
by Sean Reilly | May 8, 2008
An unprecedented range of leaders from all sections of the Christian community have come together to affirm the right of both Israelis and Palestinians for a just and peaceful future – after years of division and violence. In a letter published in today’s...
by Sean Reilly | Mar 10, 2008
The head of a world churches body which has been highly critical of the policies of the state of Israel toward the Palestinians has unequivocally condemned the recent bomb outrage in Jerusalem. “We express our sincere sorrow and sympathy to the families of those...
by Sean Reilly | Mar 9, 2008
Palestinians and Jews working for peace and justice have expressed deep foreboding about the future after Israel responded to the appalling recent shootings in Jerusalem with hints of reprisals and a pledge to occupy more territory. Leaders of churches throughout the...