Mennonite summer camps foster practical peacemaking skills

The North American Mennonite relief and development agency MCC is supporting summer ‘peace camps’ which bring young black people together to find out more about being creative peacemakers in their neighbourhood and as leaders. Cathryn Clinton writes: The...

Mennonites assist with ongoing China relief efforts

Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) and Mennonite Partners in China (MPC) have jointly provided US$80,000 to support the relief work of churches in Sichuan and $20,000 to support the relief work of The Amity Foundation, a Chinese humanitarian organization. The news...

Mennonites assist relief efforts in conflict-riven Kenya

Two weeks after the country’s disputed election and the violence that has followed in its wake, Mennonite relief work is continuing and the peace church reports that Kenyan Mennonite Church members are safe despite the troubles. Mennonite Central Committee (MCC,...