by Sean Reilly | Nov 15, 2014
The belief that violence “saves” is so successful because it doesn’t seem to be mythic in the least. Violence simply appears to be the nature of things. It’s what works. It seems inevitable, the last and, often, the first resort in conflicts. If a god is what you turn...
by Sean Reilly | Sep 2, 2008
The North American Mennonite relief and development agency MCC is supporting summer ‘peace camps’ which bring young black people together to find out more about being creative peacemakers in their neighbourhood and as leaders. Cathryn Clinton writes: The...
by Sean Reilly | Aug 31, 2008
A Filipino army officer, who served in the line of fire in the fight against Muslim secessionist rebels in southern Philippines, says he realised that somehow the cycle of violence must end, so he helped pioneer Project I.S.L.A.M., or I Sincerely Love All Muslims...
by Sean Reilly | Jul 25, 2008
The Vatican’s Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Mennonite World Conference representatives who met in Rome in October 2007 to prepare theological reflections on peacemaking have made available the full statement and background material, reports...
by Sean Reilly | Jul 14, 2008
During Christianity’s early years, as the church moved from being a series of transitional movements to a collection of settled institutions, a blurring occurred in the distinction between Pax Christi, the kind of peace made possible by Jesus the Son of God, and Pax...