by Sean Reilly | Jun 26, 2008
I always seem to be offending atheists. The other evening, it was because I questioned what someone meant when he described himself as a “practising” atheist. What, I wondered, was being practised, and what sort of practice was it? The person I was talking with...
by Sean Reilly | Mar 26, 2008
To paraphrase Augustine, and subsequently John Caputo, “what is it that we love when we love our God?” I’m constantly amazed by what some people, both non-religious and religious, assume I must be committing myself to in order to “believe in...
by Sean Reilly | Feb 10, 2008
In 1987, the Jesuit scholar Michael Buckley published his masterful work, At the Origins of Modern Atheism (Yale University Press). His thesis was that the main cause of atheism is bad theism. In other words, we brought it on ourselves. The argument is roughly this....
by Sean Reilly | Jan 15, 2008
The famous opening of the Gospel of St John — “In the beginning was the Word” — always reminds me that when the early Church spoke about the Word of God, it did not mean the Bible, it meant Jesus. Jesus was the Word — in Greek, the logos. It is a remarkable term, for...
by Sean Reilly | Nov 19, 2007
This is the text of a speech at an RSA lecture meeting in response to a new booklet from the Humanist Philosophers’ Group, The Case for Secularism: A Neutral State in an Open Society. ——————- As the director of a Christian...