Eat locally to act globally, United Reformed assembly says

Members of the United Reformed Church have been asked to look more carefully at what they eat and where they buy, in order to help protect the income and way of life of British farmers. A move to support farmers and growers who, it has been said, are “often treated...

URC offers support to Zimbabweans living in Britain

The United Reformed Church (URC) has urged local congregations to take action to support Zimbabweans living in Britain, as its national officers pledge to bring influence to bear on government over the continuing crisis in the southern African nation. The URC has...

URC and Methodists condemn political violence in Zimbabwe

The Methodist and United Reformed Churches have together voiced their concern about increasing levels of violence and political intimidation, linked to the delay in announcing the result of Zimbabwe’s presidential election. Commenting on the precarious situation, the...

Churches urge a vote against extremism and racism on 1st May

Three UK Free Church Christian denominations are urging voters to take a stand against racist and extreme political parties as election day for local councils in England and Wales draws near. 1 May 2008 is election day for many local councils as well as for the Mayor...

Women to put UK justice system on trial over rape scandal

A campaigning group that was formed 30 years ago to change law, attitudes and policy towards crime against women will mark the anniversary with a people’s trial of Britain’s justice system over the continuing scandal of rape. The event, “The rape of...