by Sean Reilly | Jul 14, 2008
Women of faith have a special calling to restore religion’s principles of nonviolence in a conflicted world, Sister Joan Chittister has told more than 2,000 women at a gathering in the USA. The remarks came in a keynote address to the seventh triennial Gathering of...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 26, 2008
Let Damon Linker, author of The Theocons: Secular America Under Siege summarize Charles Marsh and his Wayward Christian Soldiers: Freeing the Gospel from Cultural Captivity : “A professor of religion at the University of Virginia and a devout evangelical, Marsh...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 25, 2008
A key figure on the US religious right, which is anxious that its political grip on the large evangelical constituency in America is waning, has launched an attack on Senator Barack Obama and his Christian credentials. Mr Obama, who has just received full backing from...
by Sean Reilly | Jun 5, 2008
Church-backed Philippine human rights activists have reiterated their call on the UN Human Rights Council to “keep pursuing our government to stop the extra-judicial killings and other human rights violations”. The UN body is meeting in Geneva until 18...
by Sean Reilly | May 15, 2008
Join Amnesty International’s campaign against torture. Click here for more details With the area conferences of the United Methodist Church preparing to meet in July, South Central Jurisdiction is expected to address the controversial 2007 decision to lease...