by Sean Reilly | Nov 15, 2014
The belief that violence “saves” is so successful because it doesn’t seem to be mythic in the least. Violence simply appears to be the nature of things. It’s what works. It seems inevitable, the last and, often, the first resort in conflicts. If a god is what you turn...
by Sean Reilly | Sep 11, 2008
The need to “re-frame the religious dimensions” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a key goal of a 4-day international theological conference which began yesterday in the Swiss capital, Bern. The conference involves some 65 theologians and church...
by Sean Reilly | Sep 11, 2008
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), a policy research body bringing together the world’s richest developed countries, has suggested that fears about migration and hostility towards migrant workers are unjustified. A new report from...
by Sean Reilly | Sep 11, 2008
People working with migrants in the churches and civic organisations have expressed dismay at the recent comments on immigration by former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey, who has joined a cross-party group calling for stricter controls. They say that his approach...