
Ekklesia offers a range of services in support of individuals, churches and groups, networks, businesses and organizations concerned with belief and community or public life.

Ekklesia offers a range of services in support of individuals, churches and groups, networks, businesses and organizations concerned with belief and community or public life.

In particular we run a daily news news briefing service, weekly analysis and a weekly forward planning service.

Our services have been created with the intention of assisting people to develop a workable theological perspective on the world around them – as well as the skills and aptitudes needed to help them engage effectively, adaptively and creatively.

Ekklesia services include:

• Individual and group consultancy
• Training and development
• Facilitation skills
• Seminars on religion and public life
• Conferences
• Workshops
• Briefings for journalists and others
• Research and writing
• Web and email based news
• Publicity, media and press work
• Mediation and conflict transformation
• Theological education

See the prospectus here for more information:

Information about our daily news briefing, weekly analysis, partners bulletin and religion and society events planning service is available in the left-hand panel on this page.


Personally-delivered consultancy, training and briefing ervices are provided by arrangement through Ekklesia staff, associates, partner organizations and other specialist referrals.

We are developing service packages – but above all, we seek to operate flexibly, tailoring and developing what is offered in relation to your specific needs.

We begin by discussing with you what your requirements are, and then agreeing with you how we will work together and on what basis (contracting).

We work according to our values, which involve mutuality, enablement, sharing expertise, participation, faithfulness, truthfulness, inclusion, peacemaking, equal regard, social justice, encouragement and hospitality.

In terms of charges, we adjust these according to ability to pay – ranging from free, to voluntary rates, to full commercial rates. As a general guide, our voluntary scales are usually between £75 and £300 per person per day, and our commercial rates are £300 – £750 per person per day.

We are also pleased to discuss skills swaps and non-monetary exchanges.

We would be happy to hear from consultants and other service providers who are interested in working with us.

In the first instance, after reading this page, contact Simon Barrow: office (at)