Dear Friends,

Dear Friends,

As we enter into Holy Week, we encounter the drama of the Easter story – one of oppression, betrayal, torture, sacrifice, the darkness of death, the mystery of the empty tomb, the miracle of Jesus rising from the dead.

Easter is the culmination of the Christian year, a time to reflect deeply on the meaning of the feast. A time to recognise that Jesus’ death on the cross invites us to ally with those who are oppressed and suffering. That by his death and resurrection he is calling us to work together for justice,  to create a new world rising out of the darkness of the old.

We are a think tank committed to building a new world, whether through challenging the injustices created by austerity, calling for nonviolent solutions to conflict, or developing alternative approaches to welfare reform. 


Can you help us with this work?


A £10 donation pays for a week’s phone bills, or a month’s worth of stationery.

£20 covers a week’s web maintenance

£50 will help fund the refreshments for an event.

£100 pays for speaker’s costs

£250 will contribute to the printing of a report

£500 will pay for half a year’s website maintenance, or quarter of a researcher’s fees.

We are very appreciative of your support, which is vital to keep the work of Ekklesia going.


We know there are a lot of calls on your resources, but even the smallest donation can help. If you are able to assist please send your donation, marked “Spring Appeal” to Ekklesia, Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8EP or by donating via our Paypal account.


Thank you for your help, which means more to us than we can ever say, Jonathan Bartley, Simon Barrow, Virginia Moffatt and Henrietta Cullinan. Your Ekklesia Team.