In this issue
In this issue
- The ‘magic money tree’ now officially exists
- Exhibition marks century of conscientious objection
- TUC report reveals extent of workplace sexual harrassment
- Fears for Briton following Ethiopian crackdown
- Promoting disability-inclusive development in East Africa
- Bangladesh authorities urged to end illegal detentions
- Renewed crackdown on Iranian women’s rights activists
Greenbelt. Home from Home: Britain’s Housing Crisis
August 27, 2016
Virginia Moffatt, Ekklesia’s Chief Operating Officer, will be hosting this important housing panel looking at the UK’s housing crisis.
Upcoming events
Greenbelt Sexuality Struggle and Saintliness: Same Sex Love and the Church
August 27, 2016
Ekklesia Associate Savi Hensman will be discussing her book ‘Sexuality, Struggle and Saintliness: Sam
Monday 15 August 2016
11 Aug 2016
The ‘magic money tree’ now officially exists
The British government can now borrow money at negative interest rates. This extraordinary turn of events was discussed in a BBC radio interview this morning.
11 Aug 2016
Exhibition marks century of conscientious objection
The Echo Chamber, a sound and photography exibition marking 100 years of conscientious objection, is to be held at Friends House in London.
12 Aug 2016
TUC report reveals extent of workplace sexual harrassment
More than half of women, and nearly two-thirds of women aged 18-24, said they have experienced sexual harassment at work, according to a new research from the Trades Union Congress in collaboration with the Everyday Sexism Project.
15 Aug 2016
Fears for Briton following Ethiopian crackdown
The killing of almost100 street protestors in Ethiopia and a new round of political trials have raised fears for a British political activist on death row there, international human rights charity Reprieve has said.
12 Aug 2016
Promoting disability-inclusive development in East Africa
Forty representatives of national councils of persons with disabilities from Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda met in Kigali, Rwanda from 8-11 August to explore ways in which they can promote disability-inclusive development in East Africa.
15 Aug 2016
Bangladesh authorities urged to end illegal detentions
Bangladeshi authorities should immediately end the illegal detentions of Mir Qasem Ali and Humman Qader Chowdhury, arrested respectively on 9 August and 4 August 2016, say Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.
11 Aug 2016
Renewed crackdown on Iranian women’s rights activists
The Iranian authorities have intensified their repression of women’s rights activists in the country in the past six months, carrying out a series of harsh interrogations accusing activists of being “spies” who seek the “overthrow” of the government, says Amnesty International.
Greenbelt. The Upside Down Bible
August 28, 2016
Ekklesia associate Symon Hill will be signing copies of his latest book, Read more