In this issue
In this issue
10 Dec 2015
Advent Reflection – 10th December
“And after these things I saw another messenger come down from heaven,having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory.” (Rev 18. 1)
Thursday 10 December 2015
10 Dec 2015
Quakers share their stories on climate justice
While world leaders are at the Paris climate summit, known as COP21, Quakers are putting huge efforts into raising awareness about their concerns for the planet and reverence for life. A new Quakernomics blog offers a taste of their activities.
10 Dec 2015
Christian Aid welcomes progress at Paris climate summit
As the COP21 climate summit in Paris draws to its close on 11 December, Christian Aid’s Senior Climate Advisor, Mohamed Adow, said: “The new Paris Outcomes text represents good progress. It is much cleaner and presents clear options to help ministers get tougher and resolve the sticky issues.”
9 Dec 2015
An apology from the BBC and why it matters
In the build up to the House of Commons debate on whether to bomb Syria, there was the usual frenzied discussion in the media.
10 Dec 2015
Did Jesus believe in saving money?
David Cameron likes to describe people who work hard and save money as those who “do the right thing”.