In this issue
In this issue
- UK setting ‘dangerous precedent’ on human rights says Amnesty
- Sex and Sensibility – a creative conversation between the Rev Sally Hitchiner and Peter Tatchell
- Government lets UK companies ‘off the hook’ on human rights
- Restrictive measures adding to refugee hardship says UN
- All Our Welfare by Peter Beresford
- Report shows union reps’ work in public sector is cost effective
- Faith groups gather to say Stop Trident: 27 February 2016
- Party leaders to address ‘Stop Trident’ Trafalgar Square rally
- Quaker activist sentenced for Plane Stupid action
Conscience: Taxes for Peace Not War Parliamentary Reception
March 2, 2016
Conscience: Taxes for Peace Not War would like to invite you to their Parliamentary reception on March 2nd which is to be hosted by Ruth Cadbury MP.
Can Enemies Become Friends?
March 12, 2016
The Anabaptist Network are hosting an important event on peace and reconciliation on the 12th March 2016.
Upcoming events
Blessed are the Peacemakers: Fr. John Dear on the Beatitudes
Thursday 25 February 2016
25 Feb 2016
UK setting ‘dangerous precedent’ on human rights says Amnesty
Amnesty International has warned the UK is setting a dangerous precedent to the world by undermining human rights on a number of fronts, in its annual report on the state of the world’s human rights published yesterday.
24 Feb 2016
Sex and Sensibility – a creative conversation between the Rev Sally Hitchiner and Peter Tatchell
23 Feb 2016
Government lets UK companies ‘off the hook’ on human rights
UK companies, including BT and Vodafone, may be getting away with human rights abuses abroad because the government’s system of handling complaints against them is grossly inadequate, Amnesty International UK has warned in a new report.
24 Feb 2016
Restrictive measures adding to refugee hardship says UN
The UNHCR has expressed concern at recent restrictive practices adopted in a number of European countries that are placing additional undue hardships on refugees and asylum-seekers across Europe..
21 Feb 2016
All Our Welfare by Peter Beresford
All Our Welfare : Towards participatory social policy by Peter Beresford
24 Feb 2016
Report shows union reps’ work in public sector is cost effective
For every £1 spent on paid time off for public sector union reps to represent their members, taxpayers get at least £2.31 back in savings, according to a new study published by the TUC yesterday (23 February).
24 Feb 2016
Faith groups gather to say Stop Trident: 27 February 2016
Faith groups from around the country will join with thousands of others at the Stop Trident demonstration in London on Saturday 27 February.
24 Feb 2016
Party leaders to address ‘Stop Trident’ Trafalgar Square rally
On Saturday (27 February), the leaders of the Labour Party, Scottish National Party, and Plaid Cymru will mount the same stage in Trafalgar Square to speak to tens of thousands of people gathered to say ‘stop Trident’.
25 Feb 2016
Quaker activist sentenced for Plane Stupid action
Quaker activist Sam Sender of Ealing Quaker Meeting said he had been following his conscience when he protested against the expansion of Heathrow Airport.