- LGBT History Month,
- Peace Chaplaincy Funding,
- LGBT History Month,
- Peace Chaplaincy Funding,
- Work Capability Assessment Project,
- The Upside Down Bible ,
- Other ways you can help Ekklesia
LGBT History Month
We are delighted that LGBT History Month coincides with the recent publication of Sexuality, struggle and saintliness: same-sex love and the Church by Savitri Hensman. The book has attracted a lot of interest, particularly in the light of the recent decision by the Anglican Primates to sanction the Episcopalian Church for its stance on same sex marriage. Available from the Book Depository, price £12.99. E-books can be ordered from here price £3.99. Savi is available for talks about the book and the issues it raises. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would be interested in booking her to speak.
Our second contribution to LGBT History Month is Sex and Sensibility a conversation between Rev. Sally Hitchiner and Peter Tatchell hosted by our co-Director Simon Barrow. The event will take place at 6.30pm at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8EP. The discussion will focus on their personal stories and look at how liberating change can come both from inside and outside the church. The evening is free but we would welcome donations on the night. Tickets are available here
Peace Chaplaincy Project
We are delighted to announce we have received a small grant from the W F Southall Trust to undertake some pilot research to establish the need for peace chaplaincy. We intend this to be the beginning of a longer term project that will trial the concept of peace chaplaincy.
Work Capability Assessment Project
The research phase of this project is over half way through. Our researcher, Stef Benstead, is in the process of analysing the results and will then be consulting disability groups on their views for the way forward. We hope to be ready to publish this in the early summer.
The Upside Down Bible by Symon Hill
We were really pleased to host a leg of Ekklesia Associate Symon Hill’s book tour at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church last month. The event was well attended an the audience treated to Symon reading extracts from his excellent book. We can highly recommend the book which is available from Darton, Longman and Todd, price £9.99.
Other ways you can help Ekklesia
Advertise with us: If you have a book or event to promote, or a job to advertise, why not advertise with us? We are offering reduced rates throughout to partners!. Please contact Henrietta at [email protected]
Encourage your church or meeting to become a Church Partner. More details here:
Seeking your views
We are always keen to hear from you about what you value about our work and what we could be doing better. Please your send ideas by email to: [email protected]
Thank you for your continuing interest and support in our work. This means more to us than we can say. Please feel free to come back to us on any of the issues we have raised in this newsletter, or other matters of concern.
Simon Barrow, Jonathan Bartley (co-directors) Henrietta Cullinan (administrator), Virginia Moffatt (chief operating officer)