Facing up to Holy Week challenges

CHRISTIAN CHURCHES face a set of contradictions and difficulties in Holy Week. The focus of the action is Jesus: his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the last supper, the trial, the crucifixion. But the context of the action is Jewish religious life: of Jesus and his...

On trying to obstruct action against racism

THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND’S recent report on racism, From Lament to Action, has provoked many refusals. There are refusals of its central claim about institutional racism, refusals of its theological vision, and refusals of its practical recommendations. These...

Church action on racism: what is at stake?

THERE IS A NEW REPORT in the Church of England concerning how to address racism: From Lament to Action. It was published almost simultaneously with the guilty verdict on the killer of George Floyd, which has been met with strong assent from many Christians. It will be...

Ecclesial white supremacism

THERE IS NO right life in a world of falsehoods. This acknowledgement – one of Theodor Adorno’s best – is not a moralistic condemnation of the state of things. It is more like a statement of the facts. When one’s world is a tissue of falsehoods, intended...